Thursday, October 29, 2009

On The Road

On Friday we (Carena, Simon, and I) loaded up in the Jeep and headed to Charlotte. Carena zoned out watching mostly Dora the Explorer on DVD (thanks to Art).

Simon stood for the first one hundred miles.

Then he finally laid down to sleep.

Tennessee was in full Foliage and was very nice. This picture is on I-40 near the North Carolina border. About a day later, a rock slide closed this portion of the road and will remained closed for about a month (at least). Good think I left when I did.

The ABF U-Pack ReloCubes Arrived.

The ABF U-Pack ReloCubes arrived and we filled them.

Actually, we could have almost filled a third cube. You can fit a lot of stuff in them.

Here is a picture of the ABF U-Pack ReloCubes as they were being delivered.

It Snowed!

As you can see I didn't make it out of South Dakota before some snow hit us. It wasn't much and was gone before you know it. I am glad to get out of the bitter cold this year. I think it will be a bad winter in South Dakota.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

It's a good time to head to Charlotte.

The time to leave is fast approaching and I only have another week of work left in South Dakota. Today was a reminder of why I decided that it would be OK to venture into the great unknown. I have been thinking about life after EROS for a long time, but today was a validation that I am making a good choice. Today, I watched the parade of staff leave and return from a fate deciding meeting. In the meeting, they learned if they will stay or if they will be laid-off. The result of the meeting; Three of the Five employees will continue to work there next month. It is hard to watch co-workers, who I have worked with for a long time, take the bad news. At least I can take some comfort in that I saved one person's job by my departure.

The weather is getting colder and snow is already threatening us. I really am looking forward to the better climate of Charlotte. According to Wikipedia, Charlotte receives "6 inches of snow and more frequent ice-storms." I am accustom to 6 inches of snow after ice-storms here in Sioux Falls. I hope the better winter offsets the hotter/humid-er summers.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's So Cold in the D

28 degrees below zero
Picture taken January 15, 2009.
I arrived at work and it was cold. It was one of those days that my little Diesel engine really turned over hard. Trust me, I have stuck to Leaving Diesel #1 in when I know the cold days are a coming.

On a related note, the Jeep Liberty CRD hit 50,000 miles on October 29, 2008.
50,000 mile driven